We Print Encoded Custom Plastic Gift Cards
Available with Magnetic Stripes, with or without EncodingElectronic Gift Certificates from PlasticPrinters.com are the hands-down winner over paper gift certificates. Plastic gift cards with high and low corsivity mag stripes keep cash in the till by electronically debiting the amount from the value of the certificate.
The unused portion is referenced via a magnetic strip for your customer's next visit.
Bundle includes:
- Gift Cards
- Your choice of sleeves or backers
- A 2 pocket card/envelope acrylic display stand
Price point discounts include:
- 250 - Save $66
- 500 - Save $80
- 1000 - Save $162
*Pricing includes shipping to CONUS. Pricing includes 2 proofs. Additional design time available at $35 per 1/2 hour